Are Your Marketing Goals Holding You Back? [ 5-minute quiz]

Kaylee Pope

Are you feeling overwhelmed by unmet marketing goals? You’re not alone. 

50% of marketers struggle to hit their targets despite setting them. It might be time for more effective goals.

KORTX is here to help. Our 5-minute quiz, designed by our digital marketing experts, enables you to evaluate your current goals and identify areas for improvement.

After taking the quiz, gain practical next steps to set crushable, accurate, revenue-driving goals for 2025.

📝 Do you need better marketing goals?

Answer yes or no. Count your answers.

1. Have your business goals changed?

✅ Yes   or   ❌ No

2. Do you feel there’s a disconnect between your business objectives and your marketing results?

✅ Yes   or   ❌ No

3. Are your current marketing objectives still relevant to overall business goals?

✅ Yes   or   ❌ No

4. Are you tracking the right marketing metrics?

✅ Yes   or   ❌ No

5. Do your current marketing objectives align with your overall business goals?

✅ Yes   or   ❌ No

How many did you answer yes to?

0-1: Feeling a little lost?

Focus on learning how to set clear goals and guide your marketing efforts.

2-4: You have a strong foundation!

Refining your benchmarks and testing strategies can help you optimize your campaigns.

5: Impressive! Want more data?

Uncover deeper insights & identify new growth opportunities.

About the Author
Kaylee Pope is the Content Strategy Director here at KORTX. When she is not writing blogs or crafting strategy, she enjoys time outdoors with her cattle dog mix, exploring Detroit restaurants, and a good book.

Kaylee Pope

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