Case Study

Integrated Media Planning & Buying for Senior Living Client

Transforming Senior Living Marketing with New Approaches to Traditional Media

Learn how a decentralized, collaborative media strategy successfully bridged the gap between traditional and digital channels for our Senior Living client. By harmonizing print media with cutting-edge digital tactics, KORTX surpassed lead generation targets and fostered stronger community ties.

Explore the strategic integration that resonated with an older audience and set a new standard in localized senior living advertising.


Our Senior Living client primarily relied on digital media to drive leads and community tours. However, they needed a more local and personalized approach to effectively reach the older target audience and drive awareness in the communities where they reside.


A Decentralized, Collaborative Approach

To address this challenge, we implemented an integrated media strategy combining both traditional and digital tactics, ensuring a cohesive approach across all channels. We leveraged our decentralized buying approach and established relationships within the digital ecosystem to identify the best traditional partners for this engagement, allowing us to tailor our tactics and uncover local opportunities effectively. Our comprehensive plan included:

  • Print Media: For the first three months of the campaign, we placed ads in regional and local newspapers—a trusted and familiar source of information among seniors. This tactic played a crucial role in reaching the target audience and supporting other digital efforts.
  • Cross-Platform Display, Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH), Online Video, and Paid Social: These digital tactics were integrated to ensure consistent messaging and maximize reach. We continuously optimized these channels throughout the campaign, focusing on driving lead conversions and reinforcing brand presence.
  • Retargeting Efforts: The print media efforts were strategically aligned with our digital retargeting campaigns, optimized to convert leads. The effectiveness of this approach became evident when lead generation tapered off after the print schedule ended, highlighting the synergy between traditional and digital channels.


Print Media Strengthened Digital Retargeting & Exceeded Our Goals

The integrated strategy of combining traditional and digital tactics enabled us to deliver a powerful advertising approach for our Senior Living client. The campaign’s goal was to drive 125 leads, and we exceeded this target by 7% within the first two months. The interplay between print and digital efforts proved essential, with print media providing crucial support to our retargeting strategies.

Key achievements:

  • Exceeded the lead goal by 7% within the first two months of the campaign.
  • Improved lead quality and maximized reach and engagement with the senior audience.
  • Achieved a substantial return on investment through a well-coordinated mix of traditional and digital media channels.



leads in the first week


more leads than the set target

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